Minecraft Server 1.19.3

Get Minecraft (Version 1.19.3): https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/get-minecraft

Connection Address: toymcsvr.mynetgear.com

Port: 25566 (You will need to format the connection address as: toymcsvr.mynetgear.com:25566)

Minecraft Forge server 1.19.2

Get Minecraft Forge (Version 1.19.2) (forge version 43.2.0): https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.19.2.html

Connection Address: toymcsvr.mynetgear.com

Port: 25567 (You will need to format the connection address as: toymcsvr.mynetgear.com:25567)

Player Support Information:
For server support contact: @toy4x4funrun
For support with installing Forge Client or Mods contact: @Yasuporo or @Toy4x4funrun